estuary magazine
A quarterly publication for people who care about the Connecticut River; its history, health, and ecology—present and future.
Wildlife on the Connecticut River
Each issue features articles about wildlife on the Connecticut river.
Read about river birding, winter geese, eagles and their habitat, where to best find and photograph birds along the river, the osprey success story, the fall swallow phenomenon and more. Enjoy the world-class photography that illustrates these articles.
Our Mission: estuary is the first magazine dedicated to the Connecticut River, the only National Blueway in America, a federal program designed to “protect and popularize the country’s rivers by taking a holistic approach to conservation.” Stories range from recreation and history to science and the restoration of sanctuaries and wildlife habitats.
- estuary is about living in the watershed and engaging in activities that support and enhance the health of the River, its tributaries, and shorelines.
- estuary is about the rich traditions of people who settled the region, their art, food, and outdoor activities.

Read featured stories about our local wildlife, habitat and the people who help preserve its majesty.
Purchase a annual subscription today at a special four issue price for only $40.00 per year!
Bald Eagles of the Connecticut River
By John Buck

Dead drifting my canoe along a stretch of the upper Connecticut River a few miles upstream of the Wilder dam, a flash of white against the dark green pine background revealed the perching spot of an adult Bald Eagle. I had been receiving credible reports of a pair of eagles in the area and wanted to see if I could confirm a nest or at least a territorial pair. Remaining motionless for fear of flushing the bird, I waited in hopes it might reveal a second adult or even a nest. Eagle nests are unusually difficult to spot by themselves, despite measuring as much as 6 feet in diameter and weighing several hundred pounds.