Estuary for Young Readers #12

…of freedom, We will gather from the hillside, We’ll gather from the plain, Shouting the battle cry of Freedom. The words fell into rhythm with the Left-Right-left cadence. Next he…

Conte Corner: National Parks

…giant among men. This statue and many others are what await you at the Saint-Gaudens National Historic Park in Cornish, New Hampshire. Augustus Saint-Gaudens was an American sculptor who completed…

The Beaver

freezes. Shredded wood fibers are used for bedding to make the place comfortable for the family. A beaver family usually consists of a monogamous pair, mated for life, with kits…

The Many Gifts of a Crow

…have garbage pickup on that day,” he said. Bill Hobbs is a nature columnist for The Day in New London, CT. For comments, he can be reached at Image…

One Photograph: By EAR

…perhaps most lyrically of all as “a lovely, minor key little song, wistful and carefree at once, delicate as crystal, simple as breath” (Merrill Gilfillan).*3 But from still others come…


…homes along the Connecticut River. Visit and for reservations contact at (802) 254-6868 or One of the bedrooms inside Naulakha. Images Credits: Wikimedia Commons CC0 (book cover), Daderot…

Tour de Lyme

…2023 Tour de Lyme is set for Sunday, June 4. For more information about participating, volunteering, or donating, visit\n\n A little tandem power never hurts in the Tour de…


…Indigenous community made up of Natives from around this region… Maheekanew (aka Mohegan), Podunks, and Wagunks, or River people from the numerous communities up and down the valley within and…

Wildlife Wonders: Here Come the Monarchs

Here Come the Monarchs \n\n By Bill Hobbs\n\n Monarch butterfly. Image credit: Ingrid Feddersen. Each fall, as we all know, tens of thousands of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) fly from…

Turn & Face the River

…watershed collaborative is history in the making,” says Executive Director Jennifer Carlson. “The museum is excited to support its efforts through community engagement, communications, and education.” Andrew French agrees with…

Casting About: The Farmington River

…advice Legends on the Farmington River sports lodge 20 River Road, Barkhamsted, CT 860-485-4604, Austin Hawes Campground American Legion State Forest 198 West River Road, Barkhamsted, CT 860-379-0922,\n\n…

Ride the Connecticut River on Two Wheels

Story and Photos by Elizabeth Normen\n\n My husband, Paul, and I love to explore by bicycle, and we love a water view. When you can combine the two, it’s a…

Conte Corner: The New England National Scenic Trail

…have partnered with Jay Levy, a tribal consultant indigenous to Colombia, to research and develop an Indigenous Site Survey of the NET. Through this multi-year project, Jay has surfaced research,

A Small Bead Called Wampum

…trade, they never really understood its role among Native People. Traders quickly latched onto these shell beads as a commodity for use in a commercial enterprise, and from the very…

A Tenuous Success Story

…private citizens coming forward to urge more stringent menhaden conservation, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission agreed for the first time to consider the needs of predatory fish in setting…

Name Gourmand

…cove where, out with the tide and in, the common mummichog and banded killifish swim. I imagine if I’ve seen a thing— golden club, sweet flag, reed canary grass— its…

Turners Falls Area Winter Birding

…seasonally. USGS Silvio O. Conte Anadromous Fish Research Center The research center is located at 1 Migratory Way, Turners Falls, MA. Parking is available at the entrance gate at the…