Cycling the Valley

…an ever-present companion throughout your visit here. Two of the local chambers of commerce highlight outdoor recreation activities among their offerings and provide connections to overnight accommodations, restaurants, shopping, and

Why Do People “Love or Hate” Eastern Coyotes?

…highly impressive, and they are simply beautiful creatures.”\n\n Bill Hobbs is a nature columnist for The Day in New London, CT. For comments, he can be reached at \n\n…


…Such leadership has been demonstrated by communities across the country when it became clear that they must address this complicated legacy of brownfields. The Brownstone Quarry Park, known for zip…

Gamboling on the Frozen River

…It was a most gruesome spectacle. Nevertheless, Todd completed his mission. His load may have been lighter, but that could hardly have been comforting to a young boy and his…

Vermont Center for Ecostudies

…saving the Common Loon from imminent extirpation in Vermont, for example. VCE’s army of volunteer citizen scientists—people like you— pour their hearts and souls (and collectively, a huge amount of…

Vermont Center for Ecostudies

Common Loon from imminent extirpation in Vermont, for example. VCE’s army of volunteer citizen scientists—people like you— pour their hearts and souls (and collectively, a huge amount of time and

One Photograph: Three “Wish Birds”

…new snapped into view—so what was this? Not forty feet ahead stood a commanding shorebird, big as a duck, and brown, with the long sickle bill of what could only…

Gardening for Good: The Dark Side of Light

…like leaves and rotting logs. But for fireflies the very thing that makes them so iconic—that glowing bioluminescence—is a courtship signal that allows the flying male to communicate with a…

Living Fossil

…the dams was complex and difficult for scientists, the government, and Holyoke Gas and Electric Company, owners of Holyoke Dam. Thankfully, many talented individuals from state and federal agencies, the…

Estuary for Young Readers #10

…to me. “Come on, Fresh Fish. You look lost. I’ll show you the ropes, we’re all in the same unit.” “Spit! Stop calling me Fresh Fish,” I snapped. “Hey! Easy,…

From the Publisher- Eleanor Robinson

…that her core academic training was as a “science communicator”: in the mornings, she led a class of fifth graders, and in the evenings, she spoke to groups of sophisticated…

Estuary for Young Readers #12

…of freedom, We will gather from the hillside, We’ll gather from the plain, Shouting the battle cry of Freedom. The words fell into rhythm with the Left-Right-left cadence. Next he…

The Beaver

freezes. Shredded wood fibers are used for bedding to make the place comfortable for the family. A beaver family usually consists of a monogamous pair, mated for life, with kits…

The Many Gifts of a Crow

…have garbage pickup on that day,” he said. Bill Hobbs is a nature columnist for The Day in New London, CT. For comments, he can be reached at Image…

One Photograph: By EAR

…perhaps most lyrically of all as “a lovely, minor key little song, wistful and carefree at once, delicate as crystal, simple as breath” (Merrill Gilfillan).*3 But from still others come…

Etched by the Outdoors

…was an executive at the aerospace company and hooked up Reneson with a job. The work paid bills but was not satisfying. He took a risk and started freelancing wildlife…


…homes along the Connecticut River. Visit and for reservations contact at (802) 254-6868 or One of the bedrooms inside Naulakha. Images Credits: Wikimedia Commons CC0 (book cover), Daderot…