Below the Surface- Behold the Mighty Minnow

…small, notwithstanding our example of the carp, which was introduced from Europe over 150 years ago. The carp’s close relative, the goldfish, is also a minnow. We’ve commented in earlier…

John Ledyard’s Journey

…passion for anthropology and archeology. He developed a deep respect for other cultures, which served him well as he circled the globe in search of knowledge, fortune, and the unknown….

From the Publisher:

…Major with 28 years of service. She has two combat tours to Iraq and had many assignments in leadership positions, culminating with her last military career assignment as the Command…

Estuary for Young Readers #13

…that all the time, which is why I knew to stay quiet and not interrupt or try to say something or ask a question while the Lieutenant was working things…

Plant a Tree Help a Fish

…natural fiber based, biodegradable erosion-control matting are all that remain after the completion of a project to repair erosion damage, create habitat, and protect recreational trails on Bissell Brook in…

Thermal Refuges

…River. In 2016, similar actions were taken. But many fear that such hot, dry summers may be more common and there may come a time when permanent thermal refuges will…

A Connecticut River Odyssey

…writing ever since.” His friend and paddling companion, Ramsey, unexpectedly took his life some months after their canoe trip. There is a certain magnetic attraction to the challenge of paddling…

Estuary for Young Readers #11

…upper deck, leaving no space for a fellow to come up out of the hold and get a breath of fresh air. The Quartermaster complained of not having enough hay…

Gardening for Good- The Best Time to Garden

…dunes, were not always so abundant, or robust. In fact, there was a time when this plant was barely noticeable as a member of our native marsh plant community. Fall…

Cycling the Valley

…an ever-present companion throughout your visit here. Two of the local chambers of commerce highlight outdoor recreation activities among their offerings and provide connections to overnight accommodations, restaurants, shopping, and…


…Such leadership has been demonstrated by communities across the country when it became clear that they must address this complicated legacy of brownfields. The Brownstone Quarry Park, known for zip…

Gamboling on the Frozen River

…It was a most gruesome spectacle. Nevertheless, Todd completed his mission. His load may have been lighter, but that could hardly have been comforting to a young boy and his…

Vermont Center for Ecostudies

…saving the Common Loon from imminent extirpation in Vermont, for example. VCE’s army of volunteer citizen scientists—people like you— pour their hearts and souls (and collectively, a huge amount of…

Vermont Center for Ecostudies

Common Loon from imminent extirpation in Vermont, for example. VCE’s army of volunteer citizen scientists—people like you— pour their hearts and souls (and collectively, a huge amount of time and…

One Photograph: Three “Wish Birds”

…new snapped into view—so what was this? Not forty feet ahead stood a commanding shorebird, big as a duck, and brown, with the long sickle bill of what could only…

Hetty Green

…never took risks as men in business often did. Hetty Green’s residence, Bellows Falls, VT, circa 1900–1910. Image Credit: Detroit Publishing Company photograph collection/Library of Congress Prints and Photographs. In…

Living Fossil

…the dams was complex and difficult for scientists, the government, and Holyoke Gas and Electric Company, owners of Holyoke Dam. Thankfully, many talented individuals from state and federal agencies, the…

One Photograph- The BIG Camera

…camera back and lensboard. The more modern types are used primarily in commercial studio and architectural photography, but they were also long magnificently employed by Porter, Ansel Adams, and a…