Native plants are at home with local growing conditions and don’t require special tools or even a greenhouse to grow from seed.
Conte Corner: What’s in a Name and a Designation?
National Natural Landmarks, American Heritage Rivers, and Wild and Scenic Rivers—the Connecticut River watershed has been awarded all of these federal designations.
Second Annual Award for Early Career Achievement in Environmentalism
On September 26, 2024, The Watershed Fund and Estuary magazine gave its second Early Career Achievement Award in Environmentalism to Riley Doherty of New Haven, Connecticut.
Supporting More Than Salmon
Historically the Connecticut River supported one of the largest annual runs of Atlantic salmon in North America.
Below the Surface: Plant Eggs to Grow Salmon
Below the water’s surface and even below the top of the streambed is the hyporheic zone. It consists of rocks of many different sizes between which water flows like an underground stream
What Does the Future of Our Forests Look Like?
These are difficult times for our forests. Non-native pests and pathogens are causing great harm and, in some cases, nearly eradicating entire tree species.