News from our River Partners
Casting About: The Eightmile River
Frequently hidden from view, the Eightmile River and its East Branch ramble through the pristine woodlands of Lyme, East Haddam, and Salem, Connecticut.
What’s For Dinner? Spring Asparagus Two Ways
Welcome to spring! It’s such a delicious time of the year.
Gardening for Good: The Dark Side of Light
The first twinkle of a June firefly is one of the greatest delights I experience from my yard
Central Watershed Outings: Hidden Gems of the Wild and Scenic Westfield River
Set on a historic railroad line in the scenic Berkshire foothill towns of Middlefield and Chester, Massachusetts, the Keystone Arches Trail offers a fine sampling of the Westfield River watershed’s rich natural resources and history.
Wick Griswold and the History of the Present
A woman dressed as 19th century doyen Phoebe Griffin Noyes wandered across the green grass
of the Old Lyme Public Library lawn as my wife, Amy, and I shook hands
Estuary for Young Readers #12
At the same instant the tree limb went crashing to the ground, the hot-air balloon broke loose and shot up so fast that in seconds I found myself clinging for dear life to the safe end of the limb and looking up at the bottom of the basket.
The Connecticut River Raft Race
With all the decorum of a college fraternity on house party weekend, the annual Connecticut River Raft Race will celebrate its 50th anniversary on July 20, 2024.
A Story of Restoration: Of a Car, Not Fish
This is a love story. An unusual one, perhaps. Nonetheless a tale of steadfast devotion and affection that has endured through good times and
bad for many, many decades.
First Annual Award for Early Career Achievement in Environmentalism
On Tuesday, August 15, at 6:30 p.m. at the Old Lyme Phoebe Griffin Noyes Library, Estuary magazine and its parent The Watershed Fund
bestowed its first Annual Award for Early Career Achievement in Environmentalism on Madeline Lahm.
The Pied Piper of Land Conservation
Connecticut, among other places, would not be the same without the vision and determination of Richard Hale Goodwin, the late Connecticut
College professor of botany and one of the nation’s pioneering preservationists.
Central Watershed Outings: Hidden Gems of the Wild and Scenic Westfield River
Set on a historic railroad line in the scenic Berkshire foothill towns of Middlefield and Chester, Massachusetts, the Keystone Arches Trail offers a fine sampling of the Westfield River watershed’s rich natural resources and history.
Below the Surface: Let’s Not Lose More Fish Species
The Connecticut River ecosystem has a complex food web below the surface.
Let’s Go
News from our River Partners
One Photograph: Birds? Why BIRDS?
One day my younger brother put it to me. “How do you get interested in birds?” he asked. “Just how do you get interested in birds?”
The Deadliest War in the Connecticut River Valley
Odds are that most hikers who traverse Connecticut’s Metacomet Trail along a spectacular trap rock ridge west of the Connecticut River have little idea that both trail and ridge are named after the Native American chief who in 1675 started a resistance that—if it had been successful—could have emptied New England of English colonists.
Gardening for Good: Energy Smart Landscaping
Winter is a good season to take a closer look at the “bones” of your home landscape, with an eye toward
planning something new or editing what you have.
Wildlife Wonders: Here Come the Monarchs
Each fall, as we all know, tens of thousands of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) fly from the Northeast to the central mountains of Mexico, where they huddle together and overwinter with other monarchs from across the country.
Kari’s Big Swim: Diving in to Promote Clean Water
Her mission: to draw attention to, and honor, the Connecticut River, its ecology, its beauty, and our collective obligation to its care.
Conte Corner: National Parks
Do you know how many National Park units there are in New England and the Connecticut River watershed?